The mission of our cleaning service is to provide top-notch cleaning services, ensuring every nook and cranny is spotless. We strive to exceed customer expectations, using eco-friendly products and techniques. Our goal is to create a clean and healthy environment for our clients to enjoy.
We strive to exceed customer expectations, using eco-friendly products and techniques. Our goal is to create a clean and healthy environment for our clients to enjoy. The vision of our cleaning service is to make spaces sparkle and create a sense of cleanliness and comfort for our clients. We aim to take the stress out of cleaning and provide a reliable and efficient service.
How we work
Leave a request on the website and get a 10% discount on your first order
At a convenient time, our experts will come to your place for cleaning
You pay after you make sure that everything is done according to your wishes
Frequently asked questions
The price of cleaning depends on the following components: The size of the apartment/house Type of service you have ordered Your individual wishes
Yes, you can sign a contract with us and we will give you a discount as a regular customer. All the details you can find on the phone call or e-mail.
The cleaning fee does not include ceilings, blinds and walls. We also do not move heavy furniture.
Our company employs professionals with many years of experience. We can assure you that such situations will not arise. If this still happens – we guarantee compensation for damage caused by our employee.
All employees are checked by the security service and value their work. However, if such a situation happens and you doubt the honesty of our staff – contact us and we will take the necessary measures.
Call our professionals
Contact us now and get a 10% discount on your first order!